Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sibelius for HHS

Governor Kathleen Sebelius will be nominated by President Obama tomorrow as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Although Tom Daschle would have had the advantage of being experienced in the ways of Congress for getting legislation passed, Gov. Sebelius herself seems a superb choice; and there may be some advantages to her being a Washington outsider. At least she doesn't have the gray-area financial ties to health care corporations that Daschle did.

She is widely recognized for her success in working with Republicans as a Democratic governor in a very red state. She chose a Republican for her running mate as Lt. Gov., and she has high marks for her bipartisanship. Yet in policies, she is solidly progressive and no pushover in negotiations. She recently hammered out a difficult budget battle to deal with the state's financial crisis. In addition, she was Insurance Commissioner of Kansas for 8 years, during which time she was much involved in health insurance battles, and she knows the issues well.

Right wing Republicans are set to mount a vigorous opposition because of her stance on abortion. She vetoed a bill in 2008 that would have restricted late term abortions, and they will try to paint her as radically pro-abortion. Herself a Catholic, she has come under fire from Church officials who call on her to repudiate her pro-abortion positions.

However, she has also received the backing of rights organizations and women's groups who point out her role in reducing abortions in the state.

"Gov. Sebelius is a proven and tireless advocate for children's health care, education, adoption, and support for pregnant women, all components of a public policy agenda intended to benefit the common good. Under her leadership, the state of Kansas has witnessed sharp declines in both abortions and teen pregnancy," said Chris Korzen, executive director of Catholics United.

This adds another woman to Obama's cabinet in a significant position, which is a good thing. Others being: Secretaries of State, Homeland Security, Labor, Administrator of EPA, and Ambassador to the U.N. I think this may be the most women cabinet members ever.



  1. Speaking of Tom Daschle, I think he would have made a superb Sec. of HHS; he's an expert on health care policy and is passionate about reform. And he knows Congress inside and out.

    Unfortunately, he lost his last election to a Republican, and he "went over to the other side" and got seduced by the obscene amount of money that can be made by former governmental superstars. Nobody suggests he did anything illegal (those tax problems were minor and could have been cleared up). It was the taint of the lucrative connections to the health care industry, and the irresitibility of that kind of money, that have raised questions about possible future conflict of interest if he headed health care reform.

    This whole issue of the corrupting influence of the revolving door between government and the corporate world needs tighter regulations. Or we need to pay public officials better so they don't need to leave to make money.

    I think the clue to Daschle's 'conversion' was those red glasses. That just wasn't the old Daschle of his Senate days.

  2. "...and they will try to paint her as radically pro-abortion. Herself a Catholic, she has come under fire from Church officials who call on her to repudiate her pro-abortion positions."

    There is no American without opinions on the abortion issue. Kathleen Sebelius happens to be on the side of "the law of the land." What's wrong with that? She's got good qualifications, but more than that, she's got good sense. That's why the people of Kansas like her. In addition, she's "clean" - none of Daschle's unfortunate tarnish. As much as we all liked Tom Daschle, he was "bought" and there's little more to say ["don't do the crime if you can't do the time"]. I expect Sebelius will be a very valuable interchange on the Obama Road...

  3. My impression too is that she is a very solid, smart, honest, effective public servant and a good addition to the cabinet. She could have filled any of several positions. I would have been happy with her as VP as well.
