Thursday, May 14, 2009

GOP won't take "no" for an answer

Dick Cheney's daughter, Liz, has been on TV defending her father's criticizing Obama. She said this in reference to (in her words) Obama's moving precipitously to change Bush's policies rather than waiting to see what worked:
"This [her father's speaking out] isn't about partisan politics, it's about what's right for the country. . . . Every American, whether you're a Republican, Democrat or independent, would agree that before critical decisions are made about national security of the nation, we ought to have a full and fair debate."
Isn't that what we had during the ever-lasting presidential campaign and the debates between Obama and McCain -- and then the American people spoke with their votes, loudly and decisively, in favor of Obama's approach?

In other words, Liz, we had the debate and your team lost. Now what is it about the word "no" that you and your father don't understand?


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