Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Question for Dick Cheney

Mr. Cheney,

You have insisted that extreme interrogation (aka torture) was justified because it yielded important intelligence information that helped keep America safe from terrorist attacks following 9/11.

In other words, torture is justified because it is effective.

But terrorism is also effective. Is it then justified?

A crime is not illegal if it was effective? Or if you deemed it "necessary?" I do not believe that would stand up in court.

Could you please clarify this for me?



  1. Pretty good piece of cross cultural cross examination. His answer, however, is obvious: "It's not a crime if the Vice President does it." I hope I've cleared that up for you...

  2. Nixon said it. Cheney is saying it. And Condi Rice said it.

    If you have the imperial presidency that they envision, it's true.

    But that doesn't make it so. We were horrified when Nixon said it. Why aren't we horrified now?

  3. Me too. Why aren't we marching in the streets?

    There are just too many issues. Maybe we need to organize a march to protest "everything bush/cheney ever did."
