Sunday, June 14, 2009

Senator Whitehouse

Remember the name: Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (RI). A lot of us regreted when Senator Lincoln Chafee -- the lone liberal Republican senator -- lost his bid for re-election in 2006.

But no more. The man who defeated him, Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehous is proving himself to be a formidable member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, who is conducting an investigation into the bush administration's torture policy. In his position, he has read all the classified reports concerning the interrogations, particularly of Zubaydah, who was famously waterboarded. This led Whitehouse to make this astounding statement in a speech on the Senate floor last week:
I want my colleagues and the American public to know that, measured against the information I’ve been able to gain access to, the story-line that we have been led to believe, the story-line about waterboarding that we have been sold, is false in every one of its dimensions, and I ask that my colleagues be patient and be prepared to listen to the evidence when all is said and done before they wrap themselves in that story-line.
This is the clearest refutation yet of dick cheney's claims in his effort to write his version of history into the books before the real evidence is released.

I've watched Whitehouse in committee hearings. He is impressive. More than anyone I know, he impresses me as future presidential material. But could a man with the name of Whitehouse really be elected to live and preside in the White House? I suppose so, but if you were writing a novel, your editor would say "no way; you've got to change his name."


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