Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday morning shorts

1. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says President Obama has passed the 3AM test. "Absolutely" !!! Not exactly eating crow, but she praised the president's performance and says she is honored to be serving with him.

2. Senator Richard Shelby was asked to explain his statement that the Obama administration is taking us down the road to socialism.
SHELBY: Well, obviously. So, they intervene last fall in the bank crisis. No one has ever done it on that scale before.
Er, Senator, last fall george bush was the president; Obama was only the president-elect.

3. On FoxNews,
Bill Kristol says that the whole trip [Obama's] was useless and what's worse, it now guarantees Iran will get nukes and we are all going to die, and he's "given up on" attempting to stop Iran. And Charles Krauthammer says Obama gave "such a pass to Iran that he scared the other Arab states," and that he gave "the weakest statement on Iran by any American president."

Now, this is FoxNews as characterized by Jason Linkins (HuffPost), who tends to put a sardonic spin on things. But this is probably close to what they actually said.

As I've noted before, you can be safe by always expecting the opposite of what Bill Kristol says. And Krauthammer? He's a knee-jerk, neo-con, sour-pussed malcontent who seems to lack "empathy." No wonder he didn't make it as a psychiatrist.


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