Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Two frivilous questions

1. What's with George H. W. and Barbara Bush? Both octogenarians seem to be flirting with sexy young people. A couple of days ago, there was a pic of Poppy with a sexy young actress in a bikini sitting on his lap and a story about, for his 86 birthday, he's going sky-diving in tandem with a sexy young woman TV newscaster.

I know it used to be his tradition to go skydiving on his birthday. But have you taken leave of your senses, Poppy? Not six months ago, watching you hobble in to Obama's inauguration was a painful sight. You could hardly walk. Diving out of the plane should be no problem, but have you thought about landing on those old bones?

Not to be outdone, today there's a pic up of Barbara at her 84th birthday celebration with a handsome young man standing next to her chair in nothing but a speedo. He has one of those perfect bodies out of Men's Health Magazine, all sexy and gym-buffed. It said he was an actor from a production of A Chorus Line. Nice that they had invited him to the party, but almost naked?

What's going on, Poppy and Bar? Or is this 76 year old just jealous?

2. This one's been nagging me for some time. Why is it that, in 9 out of 10 pics of Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove, they always have their mouths open? I don't mean pics where they were obviously snapped in the middle of talking. It's a scoffing, mouth-open expression that seems to be laughing at the simple souls that they think they're putting one over on -- meaning all the rest of us. For both, it seems to be their default facial expression.

It's not just a mean selection of pics by liberal photo editors. I've watched the same thing in live action of them on TV.

Maybe they're just happy souls, and I'm too biased to see any goodness in them; but I think I'm a pretty good reader of expressions. And they both convey that same arrogant, derisive, glib quality that I despise in anyone.



  1. Ughhh. I had to spend 20 minuters in the waiting room of my ophthalmologist's office this morning . . .

    . . . and was a disgruntled captive audience forced to listen to FoxNews on the giant TV screen. And guess who the guest was? Karl Rove.

    I was about to ask the receptionist is there was some other place I could wait, so as not to throw up on the waiting room carpet, when they called my name to come to the exam room area.

    And, in defense of my doctor, there was another smaller waiting room back there with the TV tuned to CNN.

  2. My question about the Bushes was tongue in cheek, pretending that there was some hanky-panky going on. Apparently they invited the cast of young actors from a local Chorus Line production to Barbatra's birthday party. And my guess is that the scanty attire was for a swimming pool party.

    The serious question: that's all very nice, but why did the Bush's choose to make it a big PR thing with each of them posing suggestively with a skimply clad, sexy member of the opposite sex?

    Nothing wrong with it; I'm just missing the mesage here.

  3. Well, Poppy did it -- survived his sky dive with no broken bones. In the video clip after he landed, he looked a decade younger than he had at the inauguration, so apparently whatever was causing his problem that day was temporary.
