Thursday, July 9, 2009


Nancy Pelosi is owed an apology.

She was trashed and smeared by Republicans in Congress -- some even suggested she should resign, and her patriotism was questioned -- simply because she claimed that she had not been briefed about torture as claimed by our intelligence agencies. And, pushed, she said they lied when they claimed they had. And we now know that dick cheney was an unacknowledged presence in some of those briefings of the Gang of 8 -- presumably to prevent some things from being told to these constitutionally empowered congressional leaders to provide oversight for the intelligence activities.

Now, current CIA Director Leon Panetta has acknowledged that the CIA in the past had misled lawmakers on significant actions taken by the CIA for "a number of years."

Further, he has had to admit that the statement he made earlier -- "It is not the policy of the CIA to mislead Congress" -- was also not true.

The apology for Pelosi is a minor thing -- but I suspect it's important to her. The crucial thing is that -- along with the other rogue activities of the bush administration -- we can now count lying to Congress and avoiding the constitutionally required oversight to the crimes and misdemeanors of the bush administration. How many impeachable offenses are there now?

It gets darker and darker -- in there in dick cheney's world.


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