Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Don't give comfort to the enemy"

Every voter should know who tried to prevent the American people from having effective health care reform -- and they should vote accordingly in 2010 and 2012.

Steve Champlin , a lobbyist for America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)

, the major private insurance trade group, had this advice for Republicans:
"There is absolutely no interest, no reason Republicans should ever vote for this thing. They have gone from a party that got killed 11 months ago to a party that is rising today. And they are rising up on the turmoil of health care. So when they vote for a health care reform bill, whatever it is, they are giving comfort to the enemy who is down."

"Long before the Republicans discovered that the House bill was a strategy to kill seniors and all that kind of stuff the plan was already unpopular," he added, underscoring why Republicans shouldn't attach themselves to the legislation. (from Sam Stein at HuffingtonPost).

Unpopular? Republicans have tried to scare people into being confused and afraid. But people want reform and they want a public option plan -- by a huge majority.

Any unpopularity is the result of lies and distortions by just such people as this lobbyist and those he works for.



  1. The upside of Champlin's spiel, however, is that he seems to be conceding that reform will pass and probably will contain a public option plan. That's good news.

  2. The other evidence of the head-in-the-sand approach is that the
    Republicans are far more unpopular than Obama's health care plan, even with the worst smears they can put on it.

    Their latest polls results are dismal -- the worst in decades. So who are they going to believe? These paid lobbyists or their own "lying eyes."
