Tuesday, October 20, 2009

GOP playing "political games"

Some pretty harsh words for the GOP:

"The Republican leadership in the House right now is constantly trying to play a political game" and only interested in the next couple days of headlines.

That was Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (Republican-Calif.) speaking. He went on:

"The American people rightfully think the Republicans are just complaining, because we had power -- we had both houses of Congress and we had the presidency. What did we do with it? All of these changes that we could make to have improved our healthcare system we didn't do during the Bush years when we had both houses in Congress."
That, coming on the heels of former Senate Majority Leaders Bill Frist and Bob Dole coming out in support of health care reform, might not make a difference; but it does sound like a few party stalwarts are waking up to the fiasco that Boehner and Mitchell, and Limbaugh and Beck, are making of their party.


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