Sunday, November 29, 2009

Serious security breach

The Virginia socialite couple, cum reality TV wannabes, Michaele and Tareq Salahi, should not reap any rewards for their brazen stunt of crashing the White House state dinner last week.

There have to be serious consequences for the Secret Service agents who are responsible for letting in this couple that were not on the guest list and had not been cleared. Yes, of course, they went through metal detectors and carried no weapons. That's good -- but it should not be treated as a joke or a publicity coup by anyone.

What better disguise for would-be assassins than to pick a couple who actually looked and dressed like the other guests? Who looked the part enough to slip in and mingle with the VIP crowd, and even get close enough to have pictures taken with Obama and Biden IN THE SAME ROOM IN THE WHITE HOUSE? What if they had been actual assassins -- who then did their job?

You know who would be president then? Nanci Pelosi. But she was also there and could have been on the list too. Next in line is 92 year old Robert Byrd.

It's true, they carried no weapons, and presumably they did clear through metal detectors. But death comes in other ways besides metal weapons. Injectible poison, for one.

I agree that criminal charges should be filed -- against the Salahis -- along with appropriate disciplinary measures for the secret service agents. That may happen.

But the current buzz about it all is that Michaele and Tareq have canceled their appearance on Larry King's show and instead are shopping around for another venue that pay them the half-million they're asking for an exclusive interview.

Things are out of whack when we turn the White House and the safety of our President and Vice President into a reality tv show -- and then crow about the feat.

This is serious and it must be treated as such.


1 comment:

  1. This shouldn't be happening in 2009. Someone is responsible for this mistake and he or she needs to be held accountable. We've had enough American presidents that were assasinated and we don't want another one. What this couple did is shameful and I hope reputable media heads will nix any deal this couple wants.
