Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cheny - war criminal?

I use the long distance telephone service provided by Credo (formerly Working Assets), which has a strongly liberal, social activist stance; and a percentage of what I pay for services goes to good causes.

Today, as they do from time to time, they sent out a letter inviting signatures for a petition. This one is to Attorney General Eric Holder urging him to prosecute Dick Cheney for war crimes. Here's the letter:

On ABC News last weekend, former Vice President Dick Cheney confessed to playing a key role in the commission of war crimes during the Bush administration.

"I was a big supporter of waterboarding," boasted Cheney.

Waterboarding is torture and a war crime. The UN Convention on Torture, the Geneva Conventions, the Red Cross, and constitutional governments around the globe agree on this point of law. More to the point, Attorney General Eric Holder has stated publicly that waterboarding is torture. Cheney's confession legally obligates Holder to prosecute him.

Of course, that won't happen. But at least there is a move to call Cheney to account. It feels good.

Especially against the hullabaloo he created at the Conservative Political Action meeting in Washington today. He made a surprise appearance at the end of Liz Cheney's speech and was met with an enthusiastic ovation. To which he is said to have quipped: "A welcome like that is almost enough to make me want to run for office again."

Even I would not have predicted that Liz would be so brazen -- and so foolish -- in her ill-founded criticism of Obama. In her prepared speech, she accused the Obama administration of missing intelligence warnings of the Yemini terrorist attack. And she told the crowd, "There's no polite way to put this, but that kind of incompetence gets people killed."

What hypocrisy !!! She offers no evidence that there were warnings. And in fact we have proof that the president's top secret briefing in August 2001 specifically warned against an attack on the U.S. by al Qaeda. Supposedly George W. Bush and Dick Cheney read that briefing? So what are you saying about your Daddy, Liz? "That kind of incompetence," indeed.


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