Sunday, June 13, 2010


First we had Laura Bush doing interviews for her book and looking like a live and likeable real person instead of the frozen first lady icon -- even expressing her belief, and obvious acceptance, that "same-sex marriage will come."

Now we have 28 year old daughter Barbara interviewed on FoxNews today, saying:
"Why do, basically, people with money have good health care and why do people who live on lower salaries not have good health care? Health should be a right for everyone."
Barbara is the founder of the Global Health Corps, a non-profit organization that "connects outstanding young leaders with organizations working on the frontlines in order to promote global health equity" in both Africa and impoverished parts of the U.S.

Asked what she thought of Obama's health care reform bill, she said:
"Obviously the health care reform bill was highly debated by a lot of people, and I'm glad the bill was passed."
What's going on with these Bush women? Have they had these progressive views all along? Are they being deployed to try to soften the Bush legacy? Or is it that Dick Cheney no longer writes the scripts?

Until I learn otherwise, I'm going to assume that Laura and Barbara, at least, are speaking for themselves now. They both seem far more genuine than when they were in the White House.



  1. Footnote on Cheney: The only ONLY good thing he did in his VP years was to say, in the 2000 campaign, that he thought people ought to be able to marry whom they choose.

    Of course, he qualified his position to say that, as a member of the administration, he would support its policies.

    Credit his view on gay marriage to his having a lesbian daughter, who apparently is important to him.

  2. I think now that they no longer have to protect the Bush family, no more elections i.e., they can be honest.

    I wonder if this means Jeb has made it clear he is done with politics.
