From Aaron Belkin, Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Palm Center at University of California at Santa Barbara, writing in the Huffington Post about the significance of Judge Walker's powerful opinion.
From my perspective, the most compelling and awe-inspiring aspect of Judge Walker's decision is the wholesale rejection of the politics of paranoia . . . [which] involves the use of divide and-conquer tactics to blame some outcast group for the nation's problems. . . . the paranoid style always involves a distortion of facts. In today's decision, Judge Walker saw the defense of Prop 8 for exactly what it is: the use of phony facts and arguments to conceal a private, moral judgment.
Listen to what he says on page 132 of his decision: "Proposition 8 was premised on the belief that same-sex couples simply are not as good as opposite-sex couples. Whether that belief is based on moral disapproval of homosexuality, animus towards gays and lesbians or simply a belief that a relationship between a man and a woman is inherently better than a relationship between two men or two women, this belief is not a proper basis on which to legislate."
What is striking about the Prop 8 defense as well as Judge Walker's dismantling of it is that rather than simply admitting that they're not comfortable with marriage equality, proponents tried to conceal their private, moral judgment with no fewer than twenty-three phony arguments as to why allowing gay people to marry would cause actual, tangible harms to the people of California!
Judge Walker, however, found that there was no evidence in the record of any potential for harm:
"They provided no credible evidence to support any of the claimed adverse effects proponents promised to demonstrate. During closing arguments, proponents again focused on the contention that 'responsible procreation is really at the heart of society's interest in regulating marriage.' When asked to identify the evidence at trial that supported this contention, proponents' counsel replied, 'you don't have to have evidence of this point.'" (pp. 9-10)
And there it is right there. "You don't have to have evidence." When Americans complain about the supposed harms caused by immigrants, people of color, gays and transgendered people, often they make arguments as if these minority groups are responsible for significant, actual harm. But when pushed to defend their claims, they don't have evidence. That's the politics of paranoia in action. And it's a dangerous politics which corrodes the integrity of the deliberative process. And that's part of what Judge Walker recognized today.
Like Justice Anthony Kennedy's powerful opinion on the Lawrence decision that struck down laws that made homosexual acts criminal, Judge Walker's opinion, in it's clear statements of fact and rejection of mere unsupported opinions, surpasses even what we had all hoped for in its scope and clarity and, hence, in its broader applicability.
As Belkin said: "Even if today's decision is reversed, this is a moment to celebrate the Court's expression of America's highest, inclusive ideals."
from your first post: [the] "vote was irrelevant, because you can't take away people's fundamental rights by a simple vote of the majority. How absolutely simple! It's the whole point of our Democracy - majority rule except when it comes to inalienable rights. Your exuberance is justified [and deligtful!].