Monday, October 25, 2010

Rummy and Wolfie, again

Yes, it continues to leak out -- the true story of why we invaded Iraq.

As reported on Huffington Post:

Former Joint Chiefs chairman Gen. Hugh Shelton says that, during the Bush administration, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, and other Pentagon officials pushed to go to war with Iraq "almost to the point of insubordination."

"There was a very strong push in those days for us to go into Iraq, and there was absolutely no intelligence, zero, that pointed toward the Iraqis.," he told Christiane Amanpour on ABC's 'This Week' on Sunday. "It was all Al Qaida, Osama bin Laden. And yet there was an element there that was -- that was pushing to go into Iraq at the same time."

George Bush was focused on Afghanistan and initially resisted the pressure to invade Iraq, Shelton says. But he was eventually convinced.

"Afghanistan, remember, was going very, very well," Shelton said. "The drumbeat back here in Washington was still pushing, coming out of the Pentagon, let's go to Iraq, let's get -- take him out. And he finally said, let's go."

He only names Rummy and Wolfie, but there's no doubt that Cheney was behind those two.

Now, what do we do with that? Think of what a colossal mistake that was: the devastation of Iraq, the loss of Afghanistan, the loss of respect for the US worldwide, the recruiting stimulus for ever more terrorists, the huge cost in lives and money, the domestic programs that had to be curtailed, the enormous debt for generations to come.

Is there nothing that can be said that would induce Obama to open an investigation and try those turkeys for war crimes? Probably not.


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