Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What am I missing?

In a forum at the University of Delaware, Howard Dean and Karl Rove were exchanging views about the NPR firing of Juan Williams and the relative merits of FoxNews and NPR.

Dean cited a poll that showed that 45% of Fox News viewer believe that Sadaam Hussein had something to do with the 9/11 terrorist attack.

Rove interrupted him to say: "45% of NPR listeners were Sadaam Hussein." Apart from the stupidity of that remark, please tell me exactly what does he mean: "were Sadaam Hussein???" I've been trying for two days to get it. There's no online commentary that I have found that even tries to explain it -- except that it was just a throw-away line, trying to take the emphasis off the damning poll cited by Dean.

I guess I should just chalk it up to being "vintage Rove."

But, damn, when people like that make stupid remarks, I like at least to try to get what it is they're saying. This just sounds unhinged.


1 comment:

  1. A friend had a kid sister he teased unmercifully. When he got the best of her, she'd say, "You're two of them!" and seemed to think she'd won the match.

    But I agree. I don't even know what Rove was making fun of...
