Thursday, November 18, 2010

DADT is dead #10

Joe Lieberman says that they have the votes to repeal DADT if only they allow Republicans enough debate time to feel they have been given fair opportunity to make amendments.

Lieberman names Susan Collins and Richard Lugar as Republicans who will vote for it, and another blurb quotes Lisa Murkowski as saying she will vote for it. I'd be surprised if Scott Brown from liberal Massachusetts doesn't also vote for it. Maybe not all the Democrats will vote yes, but if they do that's well more than the 60 required to move the legislation to vote.

But can we trust Joe?



  1. Tonight is news that the Pentagon is pushing for repeal of DADT through the legislative process as part of the Defense Appropriations bill -- and that the Obama administration is also behind it.

    You know, this could actually happen !!!

  2. We can't "trust Joe" to do the right thing, but we can "trust Joe" to move to the winning side of the aisle. In this case, we can presume that his support is a good sign. He's more wind-sock than legislator...

  3. Good point !! I hadn't thought of it as an advantage, i.e. the wind-sock to show which way the wind is blowing.
