Sunday, November 14, 2010

DADT is dead #7

On Wednesday, Cindy McCain added her voice in an ad opposing bullying of gay teens. In it, she blasted our country's policy that bars gays and lesbians from serving in the military, saying "Our political and religious leaders tell LGBT youth that they have no future." Later in the spot she adds "they can't serve our country openly."

On Friday, Cindy McCain released this statement:
"I fully support the NOH8 campaign and all it stands for and am proud to be a part of it. But I stand by my husband's stance on DADT."
But Cindy, which stance of your husband is it that you stand by? The one four years ago, when he said he would be open to repealing DADT if the military was in favor of it? Or his more recent position, when he says that he will filibuster any attempt to repeal DADT? That change, of course, came not because the military opposes it but because he needed the political support of the right who oppose it. Which position, Cindy?

Is anybody fooled even a smidgen by this? John McCain has no principles, no position. He's become an embarrassment to himself, just swinging in the wind like a weathervane.

Apparently Cindy has some capacity for independent thinking, but John must still have some control over her. Imagine the fight there must have been over this. Wonder what he called her this time? Alert the domestic violence police ! Don't expect her to appear in public for a while.

Meanwhile, leaks suggest that the report from the Obama-ordered survey of 400,000 troops and 150,000 spouses shows surprising support -- up to 70% saying it will be little or no problem. And there is a push on to get the Senate to pass the repeal before this session ends.

Stay tuned on this latter news.


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