Thursday, December 23, 2010

Take that !!!, Sen. McNothing

Senator McNothing looked like nothing so much as a petulant child having a temper tantrum when, having delivered his last angry tirade against it, he stormed out of the Senate chamber when he saw that DADT repeal was going to pass. He called it a sad day and predicted serious trouble that could put soldiers lives at risk.

It seems in the end he had little influence; the vote was 2 to 1 for repeal. His sometimes buddy, Lindsey Graham, and others joined him in vocal opposition. Graham, himself the subject of persistent rumors that he is gay, seems to be treading on risky waters there; although there's really no need to out him now that repeal has passed.

But the real blow to this pair, whom one blogger refers to as "the mean girls" of the senate, must have come on the day Obama signed repeal into law, when the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine service chiefs all have said that they are ready to move forward on implementing the change -- and they will do so expeditiously. Even those who opposed the change.

In his press conference, President Obama addressed this. He had talked with each of them separately, and he reported "all said that we are going to implement this smartly and swiftly, and they are confident that it will not have an effect on our military effectiveness."

Let me suggest that McNothing and Graham, both of them ex-military men, exert a little of this same military discipline and start respecting the orders of the commander in chief. A little more inflammatory prediction of disorder and risk to the troops -- and they could be accused of inciting rebellion and helping to bring about the trouble they're warning against.

Think about it, you "mean girls."


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