Thursday, December 23, 2010


Funny how conservative people want to denounce something and profit from it at the same time.

There have been numerous examples of governors who denounced the stimulus bill -- and turned around and took the stimulus money for their states.

Also there are many stories of Republicans' new-found outrage at earmarks, who vowed to get rid of the practice -- even while sneaking their earmark requests into the tax cut bill.

Now comes along She Who Shall Not Be Named. On Nov. 29th she denounced the Obama administration for laxity that led to the WikiLeaks release of all those tapes. Just awful, how they let all that secret information get out there !!

But she's not opposed to using that secret information (most of which wasn't really all that secret). Today, she has an op-ed in USA Today in which she criticizes the Obama administration for not being tougher with Iran and its nuclear ambitions.

And what source does she use to back up her claims about Iran's plans? Why, the leaked diplomatic cables: "We suspected this before, but now we know for sure because of leaked diplomatic cables."

Ah, well, if you're a quitter and finish only half of your elected term as governor, you can sit back and criticize your opponents without having to be held responsible for anything yourself.

But it does seem a bit gratuitous to denounce the means through which you obtained the information you're so happy to use.


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