Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rampant narcissism

Is Donald Trump really that completely lost in his own world of ME, or is he just playing politics?

For the past few weeks he has chosen to out-do even Orly Taitz, that crazy woman dentist/lawyer who keeps suing (and getting fined by judges for filing frivilous suits) over Obama's "lack" of citizenship. Trump has trumped her in using the issue to gain media attention and street cred with the right-winger, paranoid crowd.

Now, Obama apparently decided that the time has come to put an end to this "silliness," as he called it. He has released copies of the "long form" certificate of birth that they have been demanding. Even sent his personal legal counsel to Hawaii to pick them up.

So what does The Donald do? Claims credit for being the one who finally did what no one else could do: force Obama to release his "real" birth certificate.

Never mind that said certificate reveals nothing of the sort of subversive things that he has been claiming Obama must be hiding.

No, it's perfectly straight-forward, nothing unusual.

But, to little donald, it's all about him. That, my friends, is the sound-bite definition of narcissism: everything is all about them. He qualifies -- and thereby, in my book, is disqualified from ever being President of the United States.



  1. MeMeME Trump just can't let it go. Now he's asking why Obama hasn't released his college transcripts. ME claims that Obama wasn't a good enough student to get in the Ivy League schools (Columbia and Harvard) that he went to, so there must have been something suspicious about his admission.

    Never mind the fact that Obama graduated Magma Cum Laude from Harvard Law School and was Editor of its Law Review, the most prestigious position for a law student to be elected to.

    Whoopi Goldberg called it today on The View -- saying that it's nothing but racism. If Obama were white, would anyone be saying that he wasn't qualified to attend Harvard? I don't know if ME is being racist or just a shameless political panderer; but it's the right fringe's racism he's pandering to, hat's for sure.

  2. Jerry Seinfeld doesn't like Donald Trump's birtherism but, as a comedian, it's a different story:

    "I love Donald Trump, all comedians love Donald Trump. If God gave comedians the power to invent people, the first person we would invent is Donald Trump... God's gift to comedy."
