Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Any journalists still on the job?

John Boehner gave a speech to the Economic Club of New York last month and made three assertions that are basic to his economic philosophy and plan:

1. That government borrowing is crowding out private investment.

2. That the 2009 economic-stimulus package hurt job creation.

3. That the Republican plan to privatize Medicare will give future recipients the “same kinds of options” lawmakers have.

The truth is that none of those is true. The facts do not back up his claims.

John Boehner is spouting Republican talking points, which go along with the one they most often champion: that tax cuts are the answer to most problems.

Enough, already. It's time for the truth squad to stand up and challenge lies that are nothing but failed ideology.

Listen up, ye who still call yourselves journalists and pundits -- do your homework and get over the idea that, in journalism, every idea is equally valid and your only job is to see that both sides are equally represented for balance.

It's truth, not balance, that we're lacking.


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