Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Anti-Muslim bigotry in AZ Tea Party

Wes Harris, an Arizona Tea Party leader, threatens to launch a recall effort against Senator John McCain because he defended Huma Abedin, the Muslim in the State Department named by Michele Bachmann et al, as one of the suspects they want investigated.

"Have you ever read the Koran?" Harris asks, saying that no faithful Muslim can be loyal to the United States government because their religion demands that they have "no other allegiance."  He also claims that there is "no such thing as a moderate Muslim."   So just being Muslim -- "that's all you need to know," he says.

And here's what I say:   "Have you ever read the Bible, Mr. Harris?"

How could a Christian who takes every word of the Bible literally be in government?   You swear to uphold the laws of the United States -- but the Bible, in various places, condones slavery, polygamy, ritual sacrifice, and condemns usury -- all outlawed or regulated by U. S. laws.

So let's don't have any Christians infiltrating government either.

And then there are Jesus' teachings that call upon us to "do unto these, the least of my brethren," meaning take care of the sick, feed the poor, look out for the widows and children. 

It all sounds to me a lot more like the Democratic agenda than the Republican one.   So, you five Republican bigoted cowards, who have brought shame to our whole country, know that we're on to you and your "unChristian" ways.


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