Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Can you believe it?

The audacity of it is staggering.

Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) took to the Senate floor yesterday to criticize President Obama for talking about the middle class, "because it turns people against rich Americans, who should be embraced as the Michael Jordans of the U. S. economy."

As reported in the Huffington Post:
"Declaring that the use of the phrase "middle class" is "misguided and wrong and even dangerous," Kyl argued in a Senate floor speech that Obama is "spreading economic resentment [that] weakens American values" and ignoring "the uniquely meritocratic basis of our society. . . .

"Kyl said he sees the rich very differently -- more like sports heroes along the line of Chicago Bulls great Michael Jordan.

"When Michael Jordan . . . was given an enormous, almost unheard of salary. Did the other players say, 'That's not fair?' No, actually all the other players got big salary increases, too, [and] the people selling popcorn, the people parking the cars ... made more money than they ever did."
In other words:   Trickle Down Economics 101.

Please tell me that the American people won't be fooled by this and vote for that failed promise . . . again.


1 comment:

  1. Besides, the Michael Jordan analogy is not germain. There they make more money because people get something they pay for and it's entertainment.

    The super rich in today's financial markets get rich by manipulating things that don't actually exist, and nobody benefits from it except them. There is no product, no event to want to see, nothing to take home. Just winning bets about nothing.
