Monday, July 30, 2012

Romney never misses an opportunity - #3

Of course, it won't make a whit of difference to voters who already think he's what they want (a successful businessman who can solve their economic woes), but for some of us Mittens has done it again.

Romney managed to insult a whole nation of people in the sensitive Middle East.

At a fund-raiser for wealthy Jews in Israel, most of whom were flown over from the U.S., Romney praised the economic success of Israelis.   Citing their GDP per capita as twice that of the Palestinians, he credited this "stark difference in economic vitality" to Jewish culture and history, innovative business climate, and the "hand of providence."   He might just as well have gone ahead and said "God's chosen people."

What he didn't understand -- or seem to care about -- is the fact that the Palestinian economy cannot hope to "reach its potential because there is an Israeli occupation" of their country, according to a senior aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Romney's "foreign policy" trip has probably been good, if you're on the bandwagon.  But from where I sit, it's a disaster -- and portends just the kind of tin-ear, insensitive lack of diplomacy we could expect if he becomes president.

We'll be right back where we were when Dubya was ruining our international good will.


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