Thursday, August 2, 2012

Finally . . . religious moderates/liberals wake up

For years, the voices of liberal and even the moderate, mainstream Christian leaders have been muted, allowing the so-called religious right to speak for Christiandom.

Where were the liberal Protestants and Catholic social service activists that played such an important role in the civil rights battles that changed society?

 At last, a statement has been released by 60 leaders protesting the Republican tax proposals.  The Reverend Jim Wallis, head of the social justice organization Sojourners said:

"To roll back tax credits for the poor to help fund tax breaks for the rich is simply morally reprehensible."
The U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has also called for extending the tax credits for the poor.    The Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit, along with the Food Stamp Program, are on the Republican chopping block to make it possible to extend the income tax cuts for those in the upper income brackets.

How did those hard-hearted, greedy, "trickle-down" dupes high-jack the mantle of religion?   By putting ideology over people, just as the Vatican wants the U. S. nuns to spend more time fighting abortion and marriage equality and less time in the soup kitchens.

According to Biblical narratives, Jesus once got angry and drove the money-changers out of the temple.   Methinks he doth need to reappear and drive out the big money special interests that control the temples of our government.   Do it in the name of the sick and the needy, and for all those out of work.


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