Friday, September 7, 2012

Jobs: Democrats do it better

Bill Clinton made a startling claim in his speech Wednesday night.   Comparing the effectiveness of Republican and Democratic policies that affect jobs, he cited these stats:
Since 1961, Republicans have held the White House for 28 years, Democrats for 24 years.

During those years, the score is:   Republicans 24 million jobs;  Democrats 42 million.
Turns out, that's true.   Bloomberg News reported this back in May.

The fact is that presidents cannot take credit for all of the new jobs created.  Many other factors are involved.   But that tends to balance out when you take a long range view such as this, and when the difference is a great as this, with four fewer years in which to do it.   At least, it should take a bit of wind out of Republican sails when they try to claim the better record on jobs.


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