Sunday, November 11, 2012

Coming to their senses

It's said that "Nothing concentrates the mind like an imminent hanging."    I would add a corollary to that:   "Nothing brings political parties to their senses like a resounding defeat at the polls."

So -- enter the Sunday morning political talk shows.    Bill Kristol, blase neo-con and editor of The Weekly Standard, said on FoxNews this morning:
 "It won't kill the country if we raise taxes a little bit on millionaires. . . .  I don't really understand why Republicans don't take Obama's offer." 
OK.   Nice to have you on board, Bill.   But who really takes you seriously since you promoted Sarah Palin to be John McCain's VP running mate?

Then another frequent Sunday morning-er, Sen. Lindsay Graham, chimed in on "Face the Nation," showing new reasonableness on immigration reform, saying that he and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) are working on an immigration reform bill that would include a pathway to citizenship for undocumented workers already in the U.S.

Noting how the Republican party had alienated Hispanic voters, he said:

"This is an odd formula for a party to adopt: the fastest-growing demographic in the country and we're losing votes every election cycle, it has to stop.  It's one thing to shoot yourself in the foot -- just don't reload the gun. . . . But we have nobody to blame but ourselves when it comes to losing Hispanics."
Now, let's see them come to their senses on a few other issues:   gay rights, women's issues, military spending, economic stimulus over debt reduction, etc.


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