Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Testing my freedom of speech beliefs

My sense of outrage-fatigue is really getting me down.   The Republicans in Congress seem to think they can just say anything . . . and get away with it.   Here's what set me off this afternoon.

In a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing of President Obama's nominee for the D. C. Circuit Court, Republicans charged that he was trying to pack the court to his advantage, because they had already confirmed one nominee for that court this year.  Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) led with that charge.   But he was joined by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who said:
"I have deep concerns about what the administration is doing now with a package of three nominees to the D.C. Circuit after the Senate just confirmed a very qualified nominee.  I believe [this] is an attempt by this administration to pack that court."
This from a Harvard Law School graduate who obviously knows better.  The fact is that there are three vacancies on the D. C. Circuit Court, in large part because Republicans have stalled confirming the president's nominees.   It is his constitutional duty to nominate people for the federal courts.

So, if they think filling legitimate vacancies is a political packing of the court, what would you call what they're trying to do?   Are they just playing to their ignorant base, who don't see through it?   Or do they actually want to prevent the president from fulfilling his constitutional duties?  That's not too big a stretch, given that their fellow Republicans at the state level are passing laws to make it harder for Democratic-type voters to cast their ballots. 

We can't curb their freedom of speech, but there should be some penalty in the senate for such obvious lying and trying to confuse the public about the people's business.

This is not a matter of differing opinions, or even different values.  This is a simple matter of fact.   There are a certain number of judge positions on this court, and there are vacancies that need to be filled.   Let's hope the American people are smarter than these bozos think they are.   There's some reason to think that is true, given the poll numbers in my last previous post.


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