Sunday, December 29, 2013

Lower Pope Francis' rating to A minus

I have been full of admiration for Pope Francis for his emphasis on pastoral service rather than doctrinal purity -- for taking care of the poor, the sick, and the needy -- and for his personal humility and his criticizing the global greed and inequality.

His prior statements about gay people ("Who am I to judge"?) showed a fresh attitude of real compassion toward fellow human beings.

But he has also said that some church doctrines will not change, and today we saw evidence of that in his negative reaction to laws passed in Malta that will allow gay civil unions and adoption by gay couples.    So it reminds us that there is still a long way to go despite his kinder and more humanitarian positions.

Some will say opposition to gay marriage is still opposition to gay rights.   Agreed.   But it goes down better coming from someone who doesn't also judge and condemn.


1 comment:

  1. Francis has also caused great consternation among some of the clergy and the Vatican regulars, despite his great popularity among the people. So this may be trying to reassure those conservatives; and that's understandable.

    He still rates an A- in my book, but down from the A+ I would have given him earlier.
