Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Warren-Obama fight over TPP

ShrinkRap concentrates on certain issues (politics, social justice, gay rights, voting rights, economic inequality) and not others (international trade agreements, for example).   Hence, I do not understand the details of President Obama's Trans-Pacific Partnership, and I am growing increasingly uncomfortable that two of my favorite Democrats are feuding over the TPP.

Elizabeth Warren keeps hammering Obama about trying to force Congress to give him fast-track authority over this and other trade agreements -- meaning that they would have to vote on proposals without amendments.

According to Warren, he is asking them to give him this blanket authority before they know the details of what is in the TPP.   Obama counters that anyone in Congress can read the bill.   Yes, says Warren, but we can't take notes or discuss what we've read.

So, why the secrecy? asks Warren.   And so do I.    I can understand not wanting to have the details hashed over in public media during the negotiating process.    But it sounds to me like Obama is asking to lock Congress' hands to yes/no votes before they know what they might ever be asked to vote on.

Obama keeps saying that Warren has her facts wrong -- But he does not say what she's wrong about or show how she is wrong.

What I found so unsettling is that I have always trusted Obama, but now I'm beginning to have my doubts.   If this were a Republican president asking the same thing, I would be outraged.

So I ask again:    What is it you are not willing to explain, Mr. President?   Just tell us enough so that we have reason to trust you that there is a rational explanation;  otherwise the doubts about some scheme to benefit special interests, rather than the American people, will only grow -- even though it is you, Mr. President.


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