Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Most disgusting political ad of this season

What's your guess as to which presidential campaign would put out the most disgusting ad?    Right now that dubious distinction belongs to Right to Rise, Jeb Bush's SuperPac.

There are two images that struck me as really awful to put in a political ad.    One shows a pious looking Jeb Bush, cloaked in what could be a church robe, hands folded and eyes downcast as if in prayer.   The voice over says "He is a man of deep faith," as the image changes to a Christian crossProminently displayed right next to the cross, is someone holding a   Jeb!   political sign.

You want pious? . . .  ok.   But then to stick your political sign right next to the cross?    We're supposed to associate Jeb! with the crucified Jesus and . . . vote for him?

The other is much worse, and it follows as the very next image after the cross/Jeb! image.   The  voice-over says "he has fought time and again to protect the right to life," and the image is the much publicized photo of the brain-dead Terri Shiavo.   This is the young woman tragically left in a vegetative state following a cardiac arrest.   Then Gov. Jeb Bush fought her husband all the way to the Supreme Court -- and even beyond to the U.S. Congress to pass a special law -- to take control and artificially prolong her life. 

Yesterday, the Tampa Bay Times published the husband's response to this ad, which is currently running in South Carolina:
"It is simply disgusting that Jeb Bush and his super Pac would exploit my wife’s tragedy for his crude political gain.  Shame on Jeb Bush.

"Using his disgraceful intervention in our family’s private trauma to advance his political career shows that he has learned nothing. He’s proud of the fact that he used the machinery of government to keep a person alive through extraordinary artificial means -- contrary to the orders of the court that were based on the courts determination, made over 6 years of litigation, that doing so would be against her wishes. . . .  What the campaign video shows is that if he ever got his hands on the power of government again, he would do the same thing again, maybe next time to your family."
I agree with Michael Sciavo.   Even if you admire Jeb's "right to life" motives and agree with his heavy handed tactics, to now allow his SuperPac to use her image in a political ad is just despicable, to say nothing of completely tasteless.   Here's the link to the ad:

For details of this case, see ShrinkRap 2/5/15 and 3/16/15 concerning Jeb Bush's abuse of power in trying to go around the courts to get his way.  Even after he lost in court and after Terri had mercifully died, Jeb tried have the woman's husband arrested.   This, more than anything else, turned me against Jeb as a presidential prospect.


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