Saturday, March 5, 2016

No, Donald, you can't just "un-say" things

Donald Trump, now that he seems more and more the inevitable Republican nominee, is trying to do what I predicted:   pivot to a more mainstream position.   What I didn't predict is that he now wants everyone to just pretend he didn't say all those awful things.

He's also hinting that some of those extreme positions, such as deporting immigrants and making Mexico pay for his "great, big, beautiful wall" were just opening bids in a negotiation.

Actually, I think he's wanting to be taken as a serious candidate now.

Sorry, Donald, that's not the way it works.   In real life, as opposed to tv reality shows, you can't just un-say thingsThere are consequences.   Adults understand this.

Another thing, in case no one has told you this.   The president can't fire Congress . . . or the Supreme Court either.

Grow up, dude.


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