Monday, November 6, 2017

Repub tax bill -- worse than expected's Dylan Matthews says:
   "I've spent months covering Republican tax policy.   This bill is way worse than I expected.   The party had some legitimately good ideas.   They're not in this bill."

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer told Rachel Maddow that he expects the House will pass the bill, but he thinks the Democrats have a pretty good chance of defeating it in the Senate.   Let's hope so.

Schumer says it would make the income inequality problem much worseincrease the deficit by a huge amount, and do little to help any group -- except big corporations (who are already "awash in cash" that they're not putting into increased wages);  and very wealthy people who are the least likely to use a tax cut in ways that stimulate the economy.

Meanwhile, the Repubs are not even saying what spending cuts they will demand to pay for all the tax cuts.   That comes later --  always a bad idea, to slash revenue and then decide how you will get along without it.  Not to worry, if you're a Republican, since you think most everything, except defense spending, is excess anyway.

Schumer says they're also employing the
same procedural tactics they tried with healthcare:   keep the details secret, hold no hearings, and try to ram it through before people understand what it does and how bad it is.


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