Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The whole world is watching what America is doing to families at the border

Word is beginning to come in of the reaction in Europe and other parts of the world as they watch the television images of our inhumane actions in separating children, including babies, from their mothers.

Donald Trump is claiming loudly -- and completely falsely -- that they are just obeying "a Democratic law" and calling on Democrats to change it.   This is one of the biggest lies Trump has told yet in terms of what we can actually see with our own eyes.

First, there is no law that says children have to be taken from their parents just for coming across the border illegally.    Yes, when there is criminal activity and the parent is put into the criminal justice system for trial, that's different.   By law, children cannot be held in federal prisons, so if the parent is imprisoned then the child must go somewhere else.  What they began doing recently is different.   Simply crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor, which ordinarily would not result in incarceration and separation.

But Trump, spurred on by his sadistic, weird domestic policy adviser, Stephen Miller, insists on a zero tolerance policy, meaning anyone coming across the border other than at official crossing points is automatically charged with a criminal offence -- even those coming to apply for amnesty.   Hence, the separation of the children.  One woman told Congressman O'Rourk that she was coming for amnesty but was turned away at the official crossing point, without any kind of evaluation;  so she crossed illegally, was apprehended and her child taken away.

The hardliners (Kelly, Miller, Sessions, Trump) have abandoned any kind of discretionary prosecution.   There new policy is to prosecute everyone who crosses illegally, even asylum seekers.   Gen. Kelly said, some time back when they were just starting the zero tolerance that it would be a deterrent.    But apparently that purpose has been superseded by Trump's using it against the Democrats as pressure to vote Republican on immigration bills.

Approximately 2,000 children have been separated from parents in the last six weeks.   Yes, in some facilities, their physical needs are being met by trained professionals.   But it's the psychic trauma that is most concerning.   For some, this will have life-long effects, shaping basic trust and self-confidence in a group of children already traumatized by what they have been through before they get to our borders.

First Lady Melanie Trump's spokesperson put out a tweet saying that Ms. Trump calls on both sides to find a solution to the immigration problem, and she emphasized that our approach should be to "govern with heart."   Former First Lady Laura Bush published an op-ed in the Washington Post calling the separation of families "cruel and immoral."   Michelle Obama sent out a tweet, seconding Ms. Bush's position, saying, "Truth transcends parties."

Sec. Hillary Clinton also weighted in:  "Despite what this White House claims, separating families in not mandated by law.   That is an outright lie, and it's incumbent on all of us -- journalists and citizens alike -- to call it just that."

As far as blaming it on the Democrats, President Obama and his administration struggled with this problem, including the occasional example (which Trump tries to present as widespread and putting us in danger) of gangs and criminals gaming the system by bringing children as props (or even as human trafficking).    But ultimately, the Obama administration declined to go the same route of mass separations.

No, it's very clear.   Trump never fails to blame someone else for his problems.  What he really means is that, unless the Democrats vote for the Republican version of legislation, this whole child separation problem is their fault.   Mind you, Trump himself changed the policy, while denying that there is a policy;  and he could end it in an instant if he wanted to.

But he is playing politics in the worst sort of way -- by traumatizing childrenHis own Secretary of Homeland Security, charged with this responsibility has, according to New York Times reporting, had angry discussions with the White House about this and even threatened to resign.

Sen. Lindsey Graham -- along with a number of other Republicans in congress -- have called for it to stop.   Sen. Graham has even stated on camera that "President Trump could end this" if he wanted to.

He obviously doesn't want to.    He is showing just how ruthless he is willing to be -- using innocent children as pawns in his political strategy.


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