Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Trump gives in, ends separations.

Pressure from fellow Republicans -- but most especially from public outrage -- grew so strong that Trump finally gave in and signed an executive order ending the separation of children from their parents at the border.  They will now be detained together, probably at military bases.

Growing pressure included:   (1) Microsoft workers calling on their own management to end the contract it has with ICE for data analysis.   They said they could not continue to do work that benefited such an inhumane policy;  (2) American and United airlines, which have contracts to fly government personnel, asked the government not to fly kids on their airlines that had been separated from their parents as part of the zero tolerance policy;  (3) a number of creative people involved in television shows aired on the Fox channel protested Fox's 24-hour, positive coverage of the border situation, including support for Trump's separation policy.


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