Sunday, February 1, 2009

NH Senate replacement

What seemed like a brilliant coup a day ago -- nominating Judd Gregg, Republican senator from N.H. as Commerce Secretary, expecting the Democratic governor to replace him with a Democrat, thus giving the Democrats the 60 vote margin -- now seems in doubt.

It's been reported by The Hill that Gregg will take the job only if he is replaced by a Republican. But Nate Silver says that wouldn't necessarily be so bad. A leading candidate is former State Representative Liz Hager, who is described as a Rockefeller Republican moderate who endorsed Barack Obama for president, is pro-choice and pro-government. Although she would caucus with the Republicans, she might very well vote with the Democrats on some key issues. Her voting pattern would likely be to the left of some conservative Democrats.

So, at worst, it would replace a conservative Republican with a much less conservative one.

This would have the added benefit of strengthening the moderate Republican New Englanders, Susan Collins and Olympia Snow, as well as sometimes providing the 60th vote without the Republicans being able to complain of a monolithic super-majority shutting them out.

Still, however, not one word about Gregg's qualifications to be Commerce Secretary.


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