Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The return of Justice

Eric Holder was sworn in as Attorney General and promised a clean break with policies of the Bush adminsitration, saying that there will be no place for political favoritism in the Department of Justice.

From the HuffingtonPost:

"I am determined to ensure that this shall be a new day for the dedicated career professionals that I am so honored to call my colleagues," Holder told various employees and dignitaries gathered for the ceremony. He said he was committed to remaking the department "into what it once was and what is always should be."

Hundreds of department employees packed the hallways and stairways to welcome Holder. To loud cheers and applause, he pledged to remake the department by "taking it back to what it once was and always has to be." . . .

For starters, the new attorney general will learn the secrets of the Office of Legal Counsel, whose lawyers justified the use of controversial interrogation tactics and even declined to provide Bush administration documents to internal Justice Department investigators.

Holder also will play a major role in the future of terrorism detainees and further decisions about closing Guantanamo. Another decision will be whether to reverse bush's executive privilege order to prevent Karl Rove, Harriet Miers, and Josh Bolton from testifying about the attorney firings and the Plame outing.

Holder as AG is the key to whether the bush crowd is simply allowed to fade into history or whether we will investigate and hold them accountable. Surely policies will change, but will he say "let's look to the future, not the past" or will he agree with many who insist that the Constitution must be cleansed and restored by at the very least getting at the whole truth of how it was tarnished.


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