Thursday, June 25, 2009

Rush: It's Obama's fault

I never listen to Rush Limbaugh and rarely comment on quotes of his that I see. But this one is just too audacious to pass up.

You see, the whole Gov. Sanford affair is Obama's fault.

I kid you not. Rush's rant goes like this:
The country is going to hell in a handbasket. The federal government is taking over, and there's not anything we can do about it. Sanford tried to refuse Obama's stimulus money for South Carolina, and he failed. Obama has just killed everybody's spirit.

So he says, "What the hell. I want to enjoy life." Before Obama takes away everybody's money and their house, just say 'to hell with it.' Go enjoy yourself, while you can.

So Sanford takes off for Argentina to go have some fun with his mistress.
It's all Obama's fault -- despite the fact that Sanford began his affair more than a year before Obama even began running for president.

I'm speechless.


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