Monday, June 22, 2009

"You can't beat our grandmothers"

Melody Moezzi is an Iranian-American living in this country who has been in touch with relatives in Iran. She gave a very emotional report on CNN about what is happening.

The violence and intrusiveness of the government, and especially the para-military basij attacking people and entering their homes, has changed this from a fight over politics to a revolt of the people against a repressive government.

She has relatives who supported Ahmadenijad but who are now part of the resistance, because they abhor the way the people are being treated. Breaking down into tears, Melody described how old women in full chador were in the streets protesting -- and they were beaten.

"You can't beat old women !! You can't beat our grandmothers !!"

Khamenei has badly miscalculated. This has gone too far to stop now. He will either be overthrown or will quietly be ushered off stage in a bloodless, inside coup.


1 comment:

  1. Maybe more slowly than we'd like, but his fate does seem sealed. Truth be told, Ahmadenijad is kind of a loser, no matter whether he's with us or our enemy.
