Friday, September 25, 2009

Another double standard

Iran revealed this week that it has another nuclear facility that it had previously kept secret and has not allowed to be inspected. They also, however, still insist that their nuclear activities are solely for the peaceful use of energy, not weapons.

Obama and the leaders of France and Britain said that this ups the ante on Tehran in the international talks next week. They must either cooperate and allow inspections or "be held accountable." And Obama said, "The Iranian government must now demonstrate through deeds its peaceful intentions or be held accountable to international standards and international law."

Yes, but what about Israel? -- which everyone knows actually has nuclear weapons and delivery capability. They are a known "nuclear power" and yet they have never acknowledged it, are not part of any of the nuclear control treaties, and are not inspected by the UN team.

Why does Israel get to have nuclear bombs and Iran can't even make nuclear power plants?

Granted, I feel safer with Israel having them than I would with Iran having them -- but not all that much, judging by their rash actions in Lebanon and Gaza. But why do they not at least admit it? Why are they allowed to avoid inspections and accountability? And how much fuel does this known fact add to the fires that consume the Middle East?



  1. Obama was quoted today as saying: "Iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow."

    All nations, apparently, except Israel.

    I do not miminize the risk of nuclear weapons in the hands of the Iranians; but we would be in a strong position to declare moral outrage and insist on inspection if we held Israel to the same rules.

    In fact, one of the reasons apparently that Iran feels the need to acquire them is the threat posed by Israel's saber rattling toward them -- not that the Iranians haven't provided plenty of provocation, including denial of the Holocaust and calling for the destruction of Israel.

    But two wrongs don't make it right.

  2. Ever since Mordechi Vanunu released photographs of Dimona, Israel's Nuclear facility, in 1986, the conspiracy of silence you're pointing out has silently screamed. How can we complain about Israel if we have a huge cache of nuclear weapons? How can Israel complain about Iran if They have a nuclear arsenal? How can we hold Iran's nose to the fire if both the US and Israel have nuclear stockpiles? It is an insane set of circumstances unlikely to be resolved in our lifetime.

    The "cold war" isn't really over...
