Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Getting down to cases

Republicans haven't come up with a solution to the health care crisis themselves. They're too busy trying to defeat anything the Democrats propose that doesn't benefit the health care industry itself more than the people. And unfortunately there are some Democrats who are doing the same.

But here's how the #2 Republican in the House advises people to handle real problems (from TalkingPointsMemo):
House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) appeared yesterday at a health care reform discussion hosted by the Richmond Times-Dispatch. As the newspaper reported, constituents "listened without booing" and "left in an orderly fashion -- without shouting, fighting or the escort of law enforcement." What a refreshing change of pace.

As Think Progress pointed out, there was only one glitch: Cantor told a woman whose uninsured relative needs a tumor operation that she ought to look into "an existing government program" or seek charity to pay for the operation. Way to stick to conservative principles. . . .

"There are programs, there are charitable organizations, there are hospitals here who do provide charity care," he continued.

The woman had formerly had a high paying job and health insurance but lost her job and her insurance. One way to read his answer is an endorsement of the status quo. The other is to realize that he suggests turning to "existing government programs." Nowhere does he mention private insurnce as the answer.

Reminds me of george bush's similar answer to people who have no insurance: they actually do have access to health care, he insisted; they go to emergency rooms. That's how clueless he was to the problem. I've got mine, Jack; you go fend for yourself.


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