Wednesday, September 23, 2009

This deserves a prize for creative lying

I could probably think of some other crazy thinking from the right, but this one ranks up there near the top:
fighting pornography by claiming it will make you gay.

From TalkingPointsMemo:

In an infamous moment at the Values Voter Summit over the weekend, captured on video by Dave Weigel, Sen. Tom Coburn's (R-OK) chief of staff Michael Schwartz made the case against pornography. "All pornography is homosexual pornography," said Schwartz, quoting an ex-gay friend of his, "because all pornography turns your sexual drive inwards."

Schwartz then explained the side benefit of this finding -- that if boys know pornography will make them gay, they'll never touch it, taking advantage of what Schwartz sees as a natural homophobia. "And if you tell an 11-year-old boy about that, do you think he's going to want to get a copy of Playboy?" he said. "I'm pretty sure he'll lose interest. That's the last thing he wants!"

Well, now we know !! Thank god there's a solution to the problem of homosexuality !!!!!

Just say no to Playboy and all the other girlie magazines.

But . . . but isn't that the same thing that turns boys into raging, hormone-besotted young lotharios and leads to (gasp!) boy-girl sex? It's very confusing.



  1. Come on, you silly sex-scared Republicans. Get real.

    If you show a typical heterosexual boy a Playboy centerfold picture and tell him looking at it will turn him gay -- he will just tell you you're crazy.

    Who's he going to believe? You or his "lying penis?"

  2. Of course, one could also comment on the immorality of lying to an 11 year old boy. Those values voters just don't seem to have any sense of right and wrong when it comes to promoting their warped "values."
