Monday, November 16, 2009

It's called "The Truth," Sarah

OK, OK. So I'm obsessed with putting down Sarah. It's not just her, per se. It's that she so epitomizes those who disdain "the reality-based world." It wouldn't even be quite so bad if she just wanted to live in "the faith-based world." But that's not where she is either. She lives in a world of know-nothing arrogance, masquerading as "family values," and she wants to force her way onto the rest of us.

The Hill reports that Palin has blasted the AP for fact-checking her book, calling it "opposition research." She said: "They're now erroneously reporting on the book's contents and are repeating many of the same things they spewed during the campaign and afterwards."

Yes, Sarah. It's called Truth. You know, as in a reality-based universe.


1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of John Boehner interpreting the decision to try terrorists in real courts as "liberal special interests" [I guess justice is a "liberal special interest" if you think about it]. And I suppose from Sarah's point of view, fact checking is "spewing" or "oppositional research."

    These people don't generally bother to argue with logic or truth, they go immediately to interpreting the motives of their critics. With Sarah, the responses are primitive - she neither specifies "why" her tormentors do what they do, nor does she identify who "they" are. It's always just "they."

    I caught some pieces of her conversation with Oprah today, but the sound was turned down - so all I could see were her non-verbals. She looked a lot like Tina Fey's caricature - like she was playing herself. She's quite a phenom, Sarah Palin - something of a Paris Hilton. I found myself wondering how it would end. Soon, I hope...
