Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jon Stewart nails it, again

In the modern day version of "the fool is the one in a Shakespeare play who can speak truth to the king," comedian Jon Stewart is the most effective truth-sayer on tv, in my opinion. And now he's done it again, in his pitch-perfect explanation of why he doesn't like Sarah Palin:
"When you peel back the pretty, shooty layers of the Palin onion, there's no onion. It's just a conservative boiler plate mad lib: 'Freedom is good and taxes are--ooh I need an adjective--how about, I don't know, silly?' And the worst part - it's a mad lib delivered as though it were the hard-earned wisdom of a life well lived."
I especially like the last line. It's what bothered me in all her interviews. She delivers cliches and inanities as though she has just conveyed to you "the wisdom of a life well lived."


1 comment:

  1. And Sarah has a certain freshness, a spontaneity. Sometimes, it sounds as if she's hearing the topic of the question for the "very first time" [sadly, it often is her very first time].
