Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's time to end the craziness

This is about ending Don't Ask, Don't Tell -- or, rather, about not ending it yet . . . and the craziness of what to do in the meantime.

Here are the facts, I think.

1. Obama has put his support behind ending DA/DT, but wants to give them time to plan and adjust.
2. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense both support ending it.'
3. A period of study for how to implement it is supposedly underway, but will take a year to complete.
4. The Pentagon says it wants to hear from the troops about how they feel about ending DA/DT, and it wants to include gay troops in the survey.
5. But that would put them in jeopardy for being discharged, because it is illegal to discuss your sexual orientation if you're on active duty.
6. A few days ago, Army Secretary John McHugh said he will not pursue discharges for soldiers who tell him in private conversations that they are gay.
7. Today, McHugh had to walk it back, saying that until Congress repeals DA/DT it is the law of the land, and he is obligated to enforce it.

Come on, guys. This is crazy. Is it because today is April Fool's Day?

You know it's going to end. At least just put a moratorium on discharges while you figure out what you have to do.

Harry Truman didn't dither this long on ending racial segregation in the military.


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