Saturday, February 17, 2018

In the world's most powerful country, our kids shouldn't have to live in fear of guns

Phillip Timothy is a 7th grade teacher in San Francisco;   he wrote this for HuffPost in response to the latest school shooting -- and while contemplating the next "active shooter" drill at his school next week.

"I still don't understand why I am expected to teach my children how to survive in a violent world, but my country isn't expected to make the world less violent.

"None of these questions are academic.   None of these questions are distant or political.   They are meat and blood and gristle, and they are lives lived in fear for so long that my children don't know anything that isn't fear.

"So I really don't give a damn how important owning a gun is to you.   Your sporting right to an AR-15 does not trump my students' right to a safe world.  The terror that stalks American schools has to end."

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