Friday, February 16, 2018

What Trump did not say about gun deaths

President Trump made a brief public address, in part of which he spoke directly to the children of the Florida school and all children elsewhere.
   'You have people who care about you, who love you, and who will do anything at all to protect you," he said.   He also said he will make school safety the top priority when he meets with governors later this month.

What he did not say, because he won't:
1.  Restore the 16% cut in his budget for improving the instant background check system.
2.  Commit to pushing Congress to enact laws that back up this important, first-line possibility in screening out people who should not be allowed to purchase guns.
3.  Commit additional funds for mental health services for students identified as possible risks for violence.
4.  Defy the NRA and its lobbyists who are so well-financed by the gun industry.
5.  And, of course, he did not pledge to work to change laws to restrict weapons of war being owned by private citizens.   AR-15 type, semi-automatic guns have one purpose:   to kill lots of people quickly.   They are not hunting guns.


PS:    One year ago, Congress passed, and President Trump signed, a bill making it easier for people with mental health problems to be able to buy a gun.   Of course, all one had to do before that was simply to buy one at a gun show, where background checks are not required.

At least someone on his staff is sensitive to the optics of this.  At the time, he signed it without turning it into a media event -- where he proudly shows off his signature.   And even a year later, they do not respond when asked for a photo of the private event.

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