Saturday, May 28, 2011

GOP hypocrisy knows no limits

We see it over and over again. Republicans have no shame in audacious hypocrisy. Trying to smear the Dems for doing exactly -- exactly -- what they themselves did just a short time ago.

The latest: As highlighted in today's AJC Neil Boortz column, the Repubs are dealing with the upset loss of a House seat in a heavily Republican district in New York by saying the Dems engaged in "demagoguery" and "Mediscare" tactics.

What they're talking about is that the main factor in the upset seems to have been voters rejecting the Ryan budget section that will phase out Medicare in favor of vouchers for private policies. They say the Dems were "scaring grandma" into thinking what wasn't true.

Now just one f--king minute: What, please, do you call the "death panels" that Sarah Palin persisted in insisting the Obama plan mandated? And kept doing it long after it had been proved she was distorting?

The difference is clear: the Dems told the truth about the Ryan plan -- backed up by nonpartisan figures from Congressional Budget Office that showed the plan would eventually result in seniors paying about $6,000 more a year for health care than they would in the Obama plan.

The Dems talking point was that the House GOP passed budget would "end Medicare as we know it." Which is absolutely true, even if it is worded for maximum effect of the truth. In contrast, the "death panel" thing was an out and out distortion of what is a good thing and a benefit, not a deprivation. And they know it.

They tried to hide behind the sop that the Ryan plan wouldn't affect anyone 55 or older. So -- don't they care about our children and grandchildren?

Of course they do. But this is about winning the next election. Let someone else worry about the next generation, after they win the election. That's all that counts.

News flash: it's a loser, whatever you call it. The voters have spoken loud and clear:



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