Saturday, May 28, 2011

Palin's gonna run

A week ago, I would have argued that Sarah Palin has no intention of giving up the sudden wealth she has gained from her run as McCain's VP -- and her (or Todd's) entrepreneurial smarts with reality tv extravaganzas, high speaking fees, FoxNews gig, books, etc.

Add to that her recent comments about having to consider the effect on her family -- all those kids trying to grow up in the spotlight, having to be perky and on display all the time. So I thought she wouldn't do it.

But now there are two signs that she's just been lying low, letting expectations simmer, while time helped erase her disastrous response to Tucson.

1. A full length movie of her life is about to be released. Advanced previews are hyping it as if it were "the second coming." It reportedly builds to a peak of emotional excitement that could only be the fanfare to an announcement that she's running for president.

2. She's spending this Memorial Day Weekend on a bus tour of the historic landmarks on the East Coast -- obviously some PR person's idea of countering her gaffe in confusing Concord, NH with Concord, MA as the place that "the shot heard around the world" happened to start our revolution.

In addition, she's buying a house in Arizona (the toney section of Scottsdale, no less). So is she giving up her Alaska mama grizzly persona for leader of the Arizona Tea Party craziness?

Or is it all just another stunt to increase sagging interest, so she can keep her lucrative cash cow working?

As to the kids: they probably aren't complaining. Bristol certainly is making out like a bandit cashing in on her (in)fame(y). She'd never make it on her own either as actress or dancer or tv persona or book author; but there she is, doing all of the above. And raking in the money. Contrary to what sounded like a public service as representative for that teen-pregnancy prevention foundation, it turns out she was paid over $100,000 -- I forget the exact amount -- to make a few speaking appearances and lend her name.

So, I retract my prediction that Palin's time on stage is over. I was wrong. I underestimated this woman -- not her intellect or her knowledge of the world, but her persistence in cashing in.

And, why should we care? Can you imagine the one-sidedness of a debate between Sarah Palin and Barack Obama (especially with his 3 years experience in the Oval Office).


1 comment:

  1. I used to worry -- suppose there's a terrorist attack two weeks before the election, and she gets swept into office in a hysteria about Obama's "weakness" as a leader.

    But not any more. Being commander in chief who ordered and directed the highly successful capture and killing of Osama bin Laden took care of that image.

    Suppose there was a terrorist attack: do we want Mama Grizzly in charge? Or the guy who got bin Laden?
