Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Upset in New York

This is Big News !!!

In one of the most conservative congressional districts in New York state, Kathy Hochul has upset the Republican front-runner to win a special election to fill a vacated seat. The Republican was considered a shoo-in for the post -- and then she endorsed the Ryan budget passed by the House, including the Republican plan to convert Medicare into a voucher program.

The voters have spoken. They do not like this.

The Democrats have their election issue now, loud and clear. Republicans are Messing with Medicare -- on top of continued slashing of domestic programs that benefit the poor, the elderly, the environment, students. You name it -- everybody but the wealthy and the corporations, who get even more tax breaks in their plan.

The choice is clear. Let's take back the House in 2012. This puts us one seat closer.


1 comment:

  1. Republicans poured money into this test case vote, outspending Democrat Kathy Hochul by about 2 to 1. But Hochul was a good campaigner and was winning by 48% to 42% (with 83% of polls reporting).

    It was clearly the Medicare issue, and it's a big winner for Dems.

    Such is political fame. Paul Ryan was the hero of the moment, praised for his "courage" in tackling the hard issue of budget deficits. Now his budget is being blamed for losing elections. There are other ways to tackle the deficit besides cutting vital social programs -- like raising taxes on the wealthy and closing tax loophols for corporations. The people support that one. They sure do. It's just that the Rep politicians aren't listening.
